Suburbs on the fringe of the Twin Cities metro get to plan for a little more space between houses after the Metropolitan Council compromised this week on a plan to push more density in the coming decades.
The question of density for communities on the edges of the suburbs, a category that includes parts or all of Lino Lakes, Forest Lake, Medina, Hugo, Victoria and others, became a point of contention as the Met Council’s once-a-decade comprehensive plan advanced this fall.
Originally, the plan called for “suburban edge” cities to reach a minimum density of four housing units per acre to use land in the growing region more efficiently.
But many of the suburbs balked, saying the higher minimum was a one-size-fits-all approach that didn’t account for local development challenges.
On Wednesday, the Met Council approved a lower requirement of 3.5 housing units per acre.
“I think what we’re voting on tonight represents a compromise,” said Council Member Robert Lilligren, who represents parts of Minneapolis. “I hope that communities feel heard and engaged.”
The plan also sets higher density requirements for some urban and suburban communities closer to the downtowns.
What is the comprehensive plan?
The Met Council sets density minimums for urban, suburban and some rural communities as part of “Imagine 2050,” the decennial comprehensive plan. That document approved Wednesday spells out the regional agenda for housing, land use, parks and trails, water and transportation for the seven-county Twin Cities metro in the coming years.