A 51-year-old Minneapolis bicyclist was hospitalized in critical condition Saturday after a collision with a sport-utility vehicle at a busy St. Paul intersection.
Minneapolis bicyclist in critical condition after accident at Snelling and Summit
The accident occurred at 7:30 a.m. on the corner of Snelling and Summit avenues. The cyclist was heading west and the SUV driver was heading east on Summit, according to St. Paul Police Cmdr. Steve Frazer. The SUV was making a left turn to go north on Snelling when the crash occurred, he said.
The intersection has two lanes in each direction on the main road, then service roads on either side. Summit also has bike lanes.
Frazer said investigators were working to reconstruct the accident, but it was too soon to say whether the bike hit the SUV or vice versa. The bicyclist was at some point in the bike lane, but not necessarily when the crash occurred, the commander said.
The intersection is already the site of a white "ghost bicycle" memorial in remembrance of Virginia Heuer, who died after an early morning crash in September 2008 when she was struck by an SUV turning out of a service road onto eastbound Summit.
The driver of the vehicle in the most recent accident stopped immediately and called 911. Frazer said there were no indications of alcohol use or other problems with the 41-year-old driver. He was not issued a citation.
The intersection is a critical artery in both directions with Macalester College on the southwestern corner. The Twin Cities Marathon also passes through on Summit as runners make their way to the Capitol. The roadway is popular for bikers, walkers and runners throughout the seasons
At the time of the accident, the sky was overcast but the roads were dry and in good condition.
Police haven't released the name of the bicyclist pending notification of his family.
Frazer didn't rule out that a citation could be issued or charges filed in the future, but also said the incident could have been "truly accidental," a "sad coincidence" of place and time.
Rochelle Olson • 612-673-1747