The latest effort by the city of Minneapolis to impose civilian oversight of police misconduct so far has little to show for it.
In its first six months, the Community Commission on Police Oversight has handled only two cases out of the hundreds of complaints filed with the police department and the Office of Police Conduct Review (OPCR). A city website that's supposed to keep citizens apprised of data about complaints against officers hasn't been updated since March.
Four investigators left the OPCR earlier this year. That has contributed to its struggle to investigate complaints within 180 days, which the city agreed to do as part of the Minnesota Department of Human Rights investigation in the wake of the police murder of George Floyd in 2020.
The commission is the fourth attempt at civilian oversight by Minneapolis since 1990. It still depends on cooperation from the police, who investigate some internal misconduct allegations and have seats on the commission's review panels. Chief Brian O'Hara has the final say on whether officers are ultimately disciplined.
This summer, the depleted ranks of the police also meant a delay in the disciplinary process. Two panels tasked with reviewing misconduct cases were canceled this fall because no officers were available to take part.
"We were in a holding pattern for a while," said OPCR director John Jefferson, who pointed to critical staffing shortages and a department restructuring as major hurdles to streamlining cases.
"It's moving slowly, but that should have been expected," chair Mary Dedeaux-Swinton said in a recent interview. "There was nothing in place and we are having to create everything. ... We are setting ourselves up for success instead of making up things quickly."
The 15-member commission formally launched in May. It grew out of weeks of debate last year about how to restructure Minneapolis' lax oversight systems, which were called out in a scathing state Department of Human Rights report for failing to hold problem officers accountable.