The equivalent of as many as 200 full-time jobs — both in the classroom and at district headquarters — and several programs could be cut as Minneapolis Public Schools leaders look to close a historic $115 million gap in next year’s budget.
That projected shortfall is largely due to the sunsetting of $250 million in one-time pandemic relief funds and rising operating costs in a district that has continued to lose students in recent years. Despite falling enrollment numbers, the district has not made proportionate changes to its operations over the last decade. It has the building capacity to serve about 45,000 students but now enrolls about 28,500.
District leaders have announced some of the cuts likely coming to schools and departments next year, triggering a fierce wave of opposition from parents, teachers and students.
Here’s what to know about next year’s proposed $966 million budget:
Staff and program cuts
The budget crunch will affect staffing, eliminating some existing positions — or in dozens of cases, not filling vacant jobs.
The proposed budget sends nearly $46 million less to individual schools compared to last year. Elementary schools will no longer have dedicated funding to support fifth-grade instrumental music, which was implemented in 2021 as part of the district’s controversial redistricting plan. Principals have the option to fund a music teacher with other discretionary money.
Eight schools, each with fewer than 450 students, will lose funding for an assistant principal. The district will shutter eight preschool classrooms, which were funded with pandemic relief money. The district budget also calls for the elimination of 36 vacant bus driver positions, six fewer school nurses, and a $100,000 reduction in the athletics transportation budget.
The district also proposes the elimination of some tutor positions and the central office-based executive director and department support positions for the city’s magnet schools, which were another central element of the district’s redesign in 2020.