John Sheehan is asked again and again about Minnesota’s electric bike rebate program by customers at his bike shop in downtown White Bear Lake.
The ROAM Bike Shop owner wishes he had more answers.
“It is the number one question,” he said. “We are asked day to day and it is not even really close. ‘Tell me about the rebate? What’s the deal with the rebate?’ ”
E-bike sales rose during the COVID-19 pandemic, and according to analyst Grand View Research, the U.S. market size hit nearly $2 billion in 2022 and $2.6 billion in 2023.
Some Minnesota bicyclists are on the road now in this unusually mild weather, consumers are thinking about the season to come and retailers are considering their inventory. Yet, important details about the new rebate program — such as which e-bike sellers are included — are still a few months off, according to the state’s Department of Revenue.
Spokesman Ryan Brown wrote in an email to the Star Tribune that the department still is building the online system for the rebate program and that specific dates haven’t been set.
A portal allowing Sheehan and other e-bike sellers to apply as certified retailers who can accept customer rebate vouchers is expected this spring. Those interested customers can apply to the state for certificates in June. If approved, they’ll receive them in July and have two months to use them.
The Revenue Department will announce more details on its website and through emails to people who have subscribed for updates through its site.