Something quirky caught William Pedersen's eye as he pedaled past Greenhill Cemetery during a bike ride along Sunrise Drive in his hometown of St. Peter, Minn.
"I thought it was a strange sight, especially in a cemetery," Pedersen said in an e-mail. "It was a replica of an elephant, apparently set in as a head stone of sorts."
The 4-foot concrete sculpture of the elephant, trunk aloft, stands above side-by-side graves of George and Vates Engesser — a married couple of zany vaudeville and circus impresarios from St. Peter before the Depression wiped them out. More on them in a paragraph.
This is the 250th consecutive Sunday for these Minnesota history columns, which have morphed into a crowdsourcing, self-feeding storytelling enterprise. Ninety percent of these columns come from tips from readers like Pedersen. So, thanks to all for priming the pump of the past.
Born in St. Peter in 1889, George Engesser came from a family of German immigrant beer-brewing brothers. Their Engesser Brewing and Malting Co. started in St. Peter in 1856 — predating statehood by two years and becoming one of the longest serving breweries west of the Mississippi River until Prohibition 64 years later.
Beer apparently never interested George, who expanded his circus into one of the nation's largest motorized shows with 75 trucks that traveled to towns that circus trains couldn't visit.
"We were called the Sunday School circus because there was no drinking and no short changing allowed," George's younger brother, Emmett, recalled.
George cracked into the entertainment business in 1909. While working in a music store, a vaudeville troupe came to St. Peter and needed a piano player. George signed on and developed his own unique act.