Target Acquirer
Minnesota mergers and acquisitions
March 28, 2021 at 7:00PM
Date Location Location Description
3/16 Precision Agricultural Cargill Inc. Cargill will acquire Precision Ag, a crop inputs retailer based in
Services Inc. Minnetonka southeastern Saskatchewan.
Griffin, Sask.
3/16 Patterson Patterson Patterson Companies has approved a new share repurchase program for
Companies Inc. Companies Inc. up to $500 million of its common stock through March 16, 2024.
Mendota Heights Mendota Heights
3/19 Northfield Medical Inc. Agility Health Inc. Agility Heath, an essential service provider, has acquired Northfield Medical
Novi, Mich. Minneapolis Inc., a provider of surgical equipment repair services, for $475 million.
about the writer
Benefits in the new contract include higher wages and enhanced retirement contributions.