As Minnesota school districts cut ties with police and face a new test of determining how best to keep students and staff safe, a west metro district says it has found a way.
Intermediate School District 287, a cooperative serving about 1,000 high-needs kids from across a swath of Hennepin County, is reporting success after beginning to phase out the use of school resource officers (SROs) four years ago.
For three years, the district has gone it alone with a group of staff members known as student safety coaches — employees trained to de-escalate disruptive behavior but more importantly cultivate relationships with students.
Police still get called, and have responded, when needed. But arrests are down, and trust among students and coaches is rising, even during the pandemic, safety coaches and others say.
"Kids are showing up to the buildings. They are coming looking for us," said Don West, one of four coaches who began piloting the effort in 2016-17. "That's how I know it's working."
Whether the approach can be replicated in a larger, traditional district is the question, and St. Paul and Minneapolis now are among the school systems that must decide what security looks like without resource officers.
When the St. Paul school board voted 5-1 last month to cancel talks over a new police contract, Jessica Kopp, a first-year board member, publicly praised Theon Jarrett, student and safety manager in ISD 287, for a conversation earlier that day in which he offered insights into life after SROs.
Kopp said she would leave it to her district's experts to figure out whether student safety coaches are a viable option for the state's second-largest district. But she credited Jarrett with helping her realize it's possible to move on from a decadeslong relationship with police as long as the commitment is there.