A group of eight tween girls met Principal Amy Kujawski outside her office on a recent morning and offered their assessment of St. Anthony Middle School’s grading system, which no longer offers A-F letter grades.
It’s flunking, at least for them.
“I kind of, like, don’t fully understand it,” said Eliza Chinander, who wanted to know how to move past a “proficient” grade.
That kicked off an hour-long discussion about the “proficiency-based grading” model the middle school switched to two years ago. Instead of As and Bs and Cs, students are now measured from “beginning” to “acquiring” to “proficient” to “exceeding.”
The aim is to emphasize students’ display of new skills in grading. The St. Anthony-New Brighton school district plans to expand the model, known as competency-based grading, districtwide by next school year as the underpinning of even the A-F grades at the high school. That’s meant to shift the focus to learning rather than how many points a student needs on the next test to earn a certain letter grade, for example.
“Nobody wants to hear this,” said Kujawski, “but years of research suggests that as soon as we put an A+ or an F, the students check out. … They think the learning is over.”
Distance learning put a new spotlight on education and exacerbated long-standing learning gaps that, for decades, have led school leaders to try to find better ways to encourage and assess student learning and growth. In the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, districts across Minnesota and the nation adopted more forgiving grading policies. Some, like Rochester Public Schools, even did away with “Fs” on report cards — a policy that was just repealed in the district last summer.
Though many of the education concepts behind a competency-based teaching and grading model aren’t necessarily new, more districts may be exploring the ideas now, said Lars Esdal, who wrote a guide on the model for Minnesota educators. Esdal is the executive director of Education Evolving, a nonprofit pushing for, among other things, better ways to measure and assess student learning.