When former collegiate hockey player Chris Middlebrook, just a year out of Gustavus Adolphus College, first picked up a bandy stick, he found the obscure game exhilarating and liberating. Bandy was played on skates, like hockey, but with a ball instead of a puck. No hard checking was allowed, and players spread out on a sheet of ice the size of a soccer field. The result was fluid and fast, like flight itself.
"Bandy is a game of speed, cold and ice, endurance, finesse and teamwork," Middlebrook writes in his new book, "The Bandy Chronicles: My Pursuit of a Forgotten Sport."
"It is an amazingly beautiful game, and it is and has always been the world's fastest team sport," he said.
Forty years after first trying the game, Middlebrook has traveled the bandy world — primarily Scandinavia and Russia, but also central Europe, Central Asia and China. He has played on several U.S. national bandy teams, lived and played professionally in Sweden, and participated in nearly 200 international matches. Juggling commitments to his family and his practice as a private attorney, he has been one of the most active ambassadors of the sport and has helped build a bandy program in Minnesota, the only state in the country where bandy is regularly played.
"It was the combo of what a beautiful sport with what an incredible opportunity," Middlebrook said in a recent interview. "It opened so many doors and so many opportunities and experiences."
Middlebrook writes about those experiences as he describes the development of the sport locally and competition with the rest of the bandy world.
He recounts the competitive details — the interpersonal alliances and conflicts, the wins and losses, the results of key tournaments in this country and between Americans and teams in Russia, Scandinavia and elsewhere.
But that's not the best of it. Middlebrook describes a very human world of striving and success, futility and defeat, dignity and sportsmanship, camaraderie and humor, stupidity and craftiness — "our unique journeys as humans," as he says.