Last spring Marilyn McConagle wrote to me about mourning doves landing on the deck of her St. Louis Park apartment. She thought perhaps they were honoring the recent passing of a friend of hers.
Several internet sites suggest the appearance of a dove is a visit from the spirit of a deceased friend or loved one.
Whatever brought those doves, they eventually nested in a planter on the deck, not once but twice, raising two babies each time. And this spring the doves returned during the anniversary week of the friend’s death. They nested again, raising another pair of young.
Marilyn, a lifelong non-birder, now has a serious interest in birds, at least in mourning doves.
In her first email message to me Marilyn asked what I thought of birds nesting on the second-floor deck of an apartment facing a busy street.
Spiritual associations aside, I told her it sounded unusual, even for birds known to sometimes choose close association with people. (The Cornell of Ornithology says mourning doves are “unbothered by nesting around humans.”)

The doves returned this year to the same nesting location — a pot for large plants — even though that species is more likely to build flimsy grass and twig nests on the branch of an evergreen or other tree, according to Cornell.
For two nesting seasons she has been sending me photos taken with her cellphone through the deck’s glass door or from the deck itself. The birds quickly accepted her presence, she said.