How do you grieve for a building?
The many supporters of Walker Community United Methodist Church -- churchgoers, neighbors, activists and friends -- gathered Monday to mourn and celebrate a place that has been home to different causes and faiths for 100 years.
The Rev. Walter Lockhart guided his congregation through a sometimes somber but mostly joyous makeshift prayer service. Just a few hours earlier, its tight-knit members watched as the historic structure in south Minneapolis quickly burned down. Only the church's sign stands.
The remains of the building were torn down by city crews before the end of the two-hour service, which was held a few blocks away at Living Spirit United Methodist Church. As more than 100 people filed into her church, the Rev. Donna Dempewolf praised Walker's progressive ministry and the congregation's resiliency. Bishop Sally Dyck of the Minnesota Area of the United Methodist Church and Twin Cities District Superintendent Liz Lopez called Walker Church a "symbol of community" in the Powderhorn Park neighborhood.
"The building is gone, but the people are the church," said Lockhart, bleary-eyed from lack of sleep and a few shed tears. "What we have before us is a new journey."
Prayers and gratitude were offered to the five firefighters injured in the blaze. Two firefighters remain hospitalized with non-critical injuries. Three other firefighters were released from the hospital.
Authorities haven't determined what caused the fire, but Minneapolis Fire Chief John Fruetel said indications point to lightning. He said a bystander saw a flash on the west side of the church, just before a smoke alarm dispatched city firefighters to the scene.
He said that because the building had to be torn down Monday, the cause may never be proved. "I think it was a natural cause."