The "What Can I Do?" page of the new Minneapolis climate plan offers immediate steps people can take to cut the pollution super-heating the planet. Switch out gas appliances for electric ones. Take the bus. Eat less meat.
But grow a snake plant at home to filter the air?
That suggestion in the 100-page plan has some researchers shaking their heads. "Unsubstantiated Facebook rumor" and "persistent myth," said two when asked. Another recommended the suggestion be removed.
It turns out the hardy snake plant suffers from an overgrowth of hype. It's a bit of a potted star on the Internet and Facebook, where it's promoted as a top plant for cleaning indoor air: "Snake plants are extremely good air purifiers! Ask NASA!" said one posting from July.
No one disputes the appeal of the snake plant. They're great houseplants. A succulent native of West Africa and possibly part of Asia, sansevieria trifasciata is a member of the asparagus family. Many varieties have tight clusters of swordlike leaves jutting up. It lives for years.
Houseplants have psychological benefits, bringing more nature inside. And snake plants in particular have a long history. In some cultures they're used to treat ailments; in others the fibers have been used to to make baskets, ropes and bowstrings. For some, the plant has cultural significance as a plant that can ward off evil and bring good luck — which humans particularly need now.
It's true that all plants soak up carbon dioxide, the top atmosphere-heating greenhouse gas.
But unless you're willing to live with nearly 700 snake plants, their overall effect on air quality and carbon dioxide is negligible.