Neal Justin's TV picks for Dec. 3: 'Brad Paisley Thinks He's Special,' Tiffany Haddish, 'One Day at Disney'

December 2, 2019 at 9:06PM
Brad Paisley teams up with Kelsea Ballerini and other country stars in "Brad Paisley Thinks He's Special."
Brad Paisley teams up with Kelsea Ballerini and other country stars in “Brad Paisley Thinks He’s Special.” (ABC/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Gone coun­try

If Nash­ville is your i­de­a of a win­ter won­der­land, tune in for "Brad Paisley Thinks He's Spe­cial," in which the ami­able coun­try mu­sic su­per­star wel­comes Carrie Underwood, Pey­ton Man­ning and Kelsea Ballerini. That's fol­lowed by "CMA Country Christ­mas" with Trisha Year­wood open­ing the doors for Kristin Che­no­weth, Lady Ante­bel­lum and Ras­cal Flatts. Year­wood is tak­ing over host­ing du­ties from Reba Mc­En­tire, who filled that role the past two years.

7 p.m., KSTP, Ch. 5

Dirt­y dan­cing

As the title sug­gests, "Tif­fa­ny Haddish: Black Mitz­vah" finds the red-hot com­ic cele­brat­ing her Jew­ish her­it­age, but she spends even more time re­mind­ing the audi­ence of her raun­chy roots, start­ing the one-hour spe­cial with an X-rat­ed ren­di­tion of "Hava Nagila" and end­ing with an im­pres­sion of a lazy strip­per.

Now stream­ing on Netflix

It's a won­der­ful world

"The Mandalorian" may still be the pri­mary (only?) rea­son to sub­scribe to Dis­ney+, but the stream­ing serv­ice also of­fers op­por­tuni­ties to cele­brate the com­pany's long her­it­age with shows that skeptics might in­ter­pret as shame­less self-pro­mo­tion. The most ob­vi­ous ex­am­ple is "One Day at Dis­ney," a fea­ture-length film, plus 52 shorts, all of which take fans behind the scenes of the com­pany. Sterling K. Brown nar­rates.

Now stream­ing on Dis­ney+

Neal Jus­tin

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