Heating water takes a lot of energy — especially if you are heating it with electricity at peak times, including morning when people are most likely to shower and in the evening when people tend to do the dishes and wash clothes.
That's why energy misers long ago learned that the best time to heat water with electricity is at night when there's a surplus of inexpensive electricity. The heated water is then stored for daytime use in big insulated tanks.
Managing consumption has been a vexing problem for utility providers such as Maple Grove-based Great River Energy, a nonprofit cooperative that's owned by 28 electric distribution members, including the Dakota Electric Association.
But what if that water isn't staying hot enough? Or if someone is doing five loads of laundry instead of two? Or if your in-laws visit and take long baths and showers?
"At the end of the day we want to make sure they [our members] have plenty of hot water," said Dave Reinke, energy and member services manager for Dakota Electric Association.
For decades, Great River and other utilities have been installing "electric thermal storage" (ETS) water heaters that store water that has been heated with low-cost, off-peak electricity from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. using technology developed by North Dakota-based Steffes Corp.
Heating that water overnight is especially efficient in the Midwest where winds are strongest at night and consumption is lowest, creating an abundance of wind-generated power, according to Jeff Haase, Great River's strategic energy and efficiency program representative.
Haase said there's a lot at stake because electric water heaters can account for nearly 20 percent of a homeowner's utility costs and up to 40 percent of the residential demand on the world's energy grids.