When life handed Kamal Mohamed lemons, he made root beer floats.
During his sophomore year at South High School in Minneapolis, Mohamed failed to make the varsity football team. So, after his JV games, he would walk to the nearby Cub Foods and pick up some groceries: vanilla ice cream, root beer, little Dixie cups.
He set up outside the entrance to the field — the school wouldn’t let him do it inside — and shilled mini floats to the football parents who had come for the higher-stakes varsity games. They loved it.
At the time, Mohamed was driven to earn enough spending money to go out with friends on the weekends. Even half-price appetizers at Applebee’s were out of reach to a kid from Cedar-Riverside with no allowance. Those root beer floats changed everything.
“That was the moment I was like, ‘Oh, you can turn $10 into $50,’” Mohamed said.
It was his first food business. There were others: Kamal’s Kitchen, late-night grilled cheese sandwiches warmed on hot plates in the basement of his University of St. Thomas dorm and sold to college students returning home from the bars. (The school put an end to that business.) And a robotic juice vending machine he devised with college friends, even moving to California to raise capital — from which the founders were edged out.
Failure bruised him, but made him try again.
Now, the 34-year-old self-taught chef counts among his food-world successes a family-run hot chicken mini-chain, a packaged gourmet sandwich that a major corporation tried to take down, a new organic cafe, and a high-end restaurant with flavors as bold as his ideas.