The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) expressed growing concern Thursday that accidents involving oil trains can cause "major loss of life," and recommended that they be rerouted where possible to avoid populated areas.
The safety board's proposal, a direct response to last July's oil train disaster in Quebec, reverberates in the Twin Cities, where 100-car crude oil trains have become a common occurrence.
But diverting oil tankers away from cities, especially historic rail hubs such as Minneapolis and St. Paul, represents a daunting challenge because most major tracks pass through urban areas.
"The main trunk lines were all built to connect major populated areas — New York to Boston, Minneapolis to Chicago — and trying to shunt them onto a branch line that may not have sufficient capability to handle these heavy trains just may not be possible," said Harry Giles, managing principal of Arlington, Va.-based consulting firm PetroStorTech.
The NTSB said crude oil should get the same regulatory treatment as other hazardous substances like chlorine. Railroads are required to reroute those trains, if feasible, to less-populated areas.
The NTSB, in recommendations issued in tandem with Canada's safety agency, also called on regulators and railroads to improve response plans for worst-case crashes such as the one in Lac-Mégantic, Quebec, that killed 47 people in July. That response and cleanup has largely been left to Canadian and provincial governments because the small railroad responsible for the accident filed for bankruptcy.
The NTSB said the investigation of that accident found that the crude oil came from 11 North Dakota suppliers, and that its hazard level had been understated on shipping records. The safety board further recommended that shippers and rail carriers be required to test and document the hazard levels of oil.
Railroads now carry more than 10 percent of U.S. oil, up 40-fold in five years, with much of it loaded in North Dakota, which lacks sufficient pipelines to carry its oil. BNSF Railway Co. and Canadian Pacific, whose U.S. headquarters is in Minneapolis, have major operations in North Dakota and transport crude oil through the Twin Cities.