When 114 red pines were bulldozed inside Red Lake Wildlife Management Area last year to create new habitat, infuriated Minnesota timber industry officials denounced the trees' felling as "destruction" and a "slap in the face."
"When viable timber harvests are withheld, loggers do not work," a Minnesota Forest Industries and Minnesota Timber Producers Association official wrote to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) commissioner's office.
The trade groups also questioned whether Gretchen Mehmel, the longtime DNR biologist who managed the wildlife area, should keep her job.
Mehmel admitted her red-pine decision might have been mistimed because of a seasonal insect threat. But she pleaded with her DNR bosses to stand up to the forest products industry, the state's fifth-largest manufacturing sector. But they didn't. Bowing to pressure, DNR executives sold the habitat trees as "salvage" and loggers hauled them away for saw milling.
"Forestry holds sway over everything else right now," said Martha Minchak, a fellow DNR wildlife manager who recently retired. "Wildlife management is being sacrificed for timber harvest."
Mehmel and Minchak are among wildlife managers, conservation leaders and hunters who say Minnesota forest habitat goals intended to benefit critters ranging from moose to bobcats, woodcock to spruce grouse, are being shoved aside to satisfy commercial timber interests.
The shift to intensified logging on state land started in 2018 with the Sustainable Timber Harvest initiative, a public-private pact between DNR and the forest products industry whereby the state agreed to increase and stabilize timber availability at the urging of timber producers. Selling timber on state lands is part of the DNR Forestry Division's mission. But the push for more wood has stirred infighting between DNR wildlife field staff and agency executives charged with administering the logging plan.
At the midpoint of the 10-year program, the DNR is offering 870,000 cords per year of merchantable timber, up from 800,000 cords. Access to the raw material supports more than 63,000 Minnesota jobs — mostly rural — in logging, trucking, milling and manufacturing.