Minnesotans can't wait to find out if there's going to be a State Fair this year.
Maybe the announcement will come tomorrow, maybe next week, maybe next month. There's already a countdown clock on the Minnesota State Fair homepage, ticking optimistically toward a square on the calendar 164 days from now.
But a great many things have to come together before a Great Minnesota Get-Together, and almost none of them can wait. If you want to show up in Falcon Heights with a 1,000-pound pumpkin this summer, right now is when you need to plant the seeds.
"You grow and you show," said Bernie Hess, who's nursing the seedlings he plans to grow into the biggest and best kohlrabi at the Minnesota State Fair. "I'm hoping they're able to pull the fair off."
For years, he's coaxed giant prizewinning vegetables out of the soil of his shady backyard in St. Paul. Last summer, in the middle of a riot, in the middle of a pandemic, he watched his neighborhood burn. He watched his mother suffer through COVID-19 and survive.
Each seed that goes into the ground is an act of faith. This year can be better. Everyone who masked up, stayed home and lined up for the vaccine will make Minnesota safe enough for crowds to gather to marvel at a 15-pound kohlrabi.
Thousands of exhibitors, vendors and aspiring blue-ribbon winners are making the same leap of faith. Sprouting seeds, testing recipes, ordering napkins for the deep-fried cheese curd booth that may or may not open for business 164 days from now.
If the fairgrounds do open, Hess will be there all 12 days, tapping kegs at the Midway Men's Club — beloved destination of thirsty fairgoers and a major fundraiser for his neighborhood's rec centers and youth programs.