Experience: I was a union member and former vice president of the Duluth Area Central Labor Body. I have spent 46 years serving our region in the Minnesota House of Representatives including being the chief architect of Minnesota's 2020 Infrastructure Jobs bill that created an estimated 27,540 living wage jobs while making historic investments to help our communities by addressing critical infrastructure needs for drinking water and wastewater facilities, economic development, higher education, natural resources, public safety, affordable housing, veterans' homes, and transportation including roads, bridges, airports, ports and rail.
Why are you running? To continue to serve the residents of our region and finish the incomplete work of the 2021-22 legislative session including passage of a robust statewide infrastructure/bonding bill with critical Northeast Minnesota projects and a tax bill that removes state taxes on social security income, and to provide funding for education, health care, and public safety. We cannot leave the most pressing needs of our community undone.
Top three issues facing your district? 1. Funding education on all levels. I have supported full-service community schools which have shown so much promise. Minnesota's educators, students, and parents need support, so all our children receive a quality education.
2. Small businesses are the backbone of our communities — they provide opportunities to work and raise a family and give a choice for our children to stay in northeastern Minnesota. We need to provide the community assets that support these businesses and help attract workers including investing in workforce training, broadband, affordable housing, and access to childcare.
3. Protecting and using our land, water, air, and natural resources is essential. Significant to our region is timber, taconite, tourism and technology.
Plans to address those issues? As a lifelong resident of District 3B, I have learned a good leader is a good listener. I have built my legislative successes by listening to constituents and closely collaborating with local communities. I will hold constituent listening sessions on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings in January and February 2023 so we can work to find solutions and improve our region together. The 2023 legislative session will see significant membership turnover because of redistricting and resignations. I have earned the respect of my colleagues and work across party lines to reach consensus. Now more than ever we need this type of leadership that brings people together and gets results.