Even though she understood the process, knew she was likely to return and realized the situation the Lynx were in, that doesn't mean the past week wasn't hard for Rachel Banham.
Re-signed Monday for the rest of the season, Banham was back at practice Tuesday as the Lynx prepared for Wednesday's game against Dallas at Target Center.
That ended about a week of worrying and waiting.
"It was a tough first couple days,'' Banham said. "I'm not going to lie. I felt anxious about the situation.''
Last week the Lynx, in a bind because of the salary cap and a long list of injuries, had to figure out a way to get Layshia Clarendon signed for the rest of the season without missing her for even one game.
That took some gymnastics, a careful study of league rules and maneuvering a salary cap with less than $200 of space.
The team's answer? Waive Banham to gain some salary cap space. Waive Clarendon from her injury exception contract. Re-sign Clarendon in time for back-to-back victories in Phoenix — two games the Lynx played with eight available players — and then sign Banham for the rest of the season to a restructured, more cap-friendly deal.
But it took a toll. Banham went up north to be with her family in their lake home. She tried to relax. She kept in contact with coach Cheryl Reeve and her teammates. She had to sweat out a couple of days to make sure she cleared waivers, then had to watch her team play, and win, both games in Arizona.