GRAND RAPIDS, Minn. — In Minnesota outside the Twin Cities, the leveling-out or decline of population and economic growth is acute — and uncomfortable to bring up.
"Resource scarcity, and how often this scarcity is showing up, is crippling," said Tuleah Palmer, who, as chief executive of the Blandin Foundation, spends a lot of time working on the resilience of rural communities.
"It's contrary to, I think, what has been a historic independent pride in rural culture. So it's hard to articulate and it's a little bit risky to do it," she adds. "But we want to help make visible what is invisible."
Often, the biggest, toughest problems are difficult to discuss.
I found myself feeling sheepish, and worried about being impolite, on a recent trip through northern Minnesota when I asked questions about this dynamic. So I was relieved when Palmer said she and her colleagues face the same difficulty.
Slow growth is a statewide phenomenon, but people in small towns and rural areas have been contending with it for decades.
In many Minnesota places, slow growth turned into outright decline in the last 20 years. And this decade, 50 of the state's 87 counties are expected to lose population.
The foundation, created in 1941 by the founder of the Blandin Paper Co., is the largest philanthropic organization in Minnesota outside the Twin Cities with about $500 million in assets. The paper company was sold in the 1970s and the foundation has been independent from it since.