Relief for Russian Heat on the Way

August 8, 2010 at 7:25PM

The summer of extreme heat persists across Russia. High temperatures onSaturday peaked in the upper 90s and low 100s in many areas.Temperatures in Moscow since June 1 have averaged 10 degrees F above normal,including setting a new all-time high temperature when the temperature reached101 F on July 29.

The high heat and lack of rainfall this summer has led to severe droughtconditions across the region. Hundreds of wildfires are burning across westernRussia, including 270 wildfires which were started Sunday. These wildfires haveproducing dangerous levels of pollutants and smog throughout Moscow.

The heat has been the result of a persist dome of high pressure over centralRussia, drawing very warm air northward. This dome of high pressure hasvirtually remained over the same area all summer, with no cooling to befound.

The good news for residents of western Russia is that some relief from the heatmay arrive by the end of the week.

A large upper-air storm will slowly spin eastward toward Scandinavia later thisweek. This may allow some cooler air to filter over western Russia. Hightemperatures won't turn dramatically cooler, but high temperatures will top offin the 70s and 80s in many areas.

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