A couple of years ago, over dinner, Charles Baxter told his friend Louise Erdrich about a book he was reading on the 1918 flu epidemic. One passage described a folkloric cure that involved placing a mirror into flowing water and then washing the reflected face.
"And I told Louise about that, and she said, 'Well, if you don't use that, I'm going to,' " Baxter recalled.
He didn't give her the chance — the mirror cure now appears in Baxter's new novel, "The Sun Collective," in one of the strangest and most magical scenes in a novel filled with strangeness and magic.
The novel — his sixth — is set in Minneapolis, where Baxter lives and where he taught for 18 years in the University of Minnesota's MFA program in creative writing. The nationally renowned writer and teacher retired rather quietly in May. COVID kept things low-key, but that was fine with him.
"I didn't want to make a big fuss about it," Baxter said. He was concerned that a retirement tribute might have a "pre-funeral quality." His preferred plan was to have some of his former students return and do readings from their own books to raise money for hunger relief — a cause Baxter has been involved with for years. But that idea was torpedoed by COVID, as well.
In the end, Baxter taught the last two months of his classes by Zoom from his home near Loring Park. Some of his books remain locked in his old office at the U.
In touch with the zeitgeist
"The Sun Collective" opens and closes on the light rail and it winds, just as the Blue Line does, through Minneapolis neighborhoods. The story follows a retired engineer named Brettigan, who is not very different from Baxter himself: smart, thoughtful, empathetic, nearly overwhelmed by the social problems of his city and country. The book is populated with hippies and charlatans and homeless people and people who start out earnestly hoping to do good but who end up doing harm.
In the novel, the gap between rich and poor is growing wider, homelessness is on the rise, and the country has elected a president who brags and berates and treats his job like a game show. Baxter started writing the novel about a year before Donald Trump was elected president, but he could see what was coming.