A Minneapolis building that served as rehearsal space for Prince, Bob Dylan and once acted as set for the television program "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" is getting an entirely new creative life as a food hall.
Eat Street Crossing is taking shape inside the Old Arizona Studio (2821 Nicollet Av. S.) and will sport six food concepts from two well-known restaurant couples and one cohesive and inclusive bar program. The food will come from the creative minds behind Zen Box Izakaya, Lina Goh and John Ng, and Bebe Zito, Gabriella Grant and Ben Spangler. And if you've been following Bebe Zito's Instagram, there is a hint of at least one special food that will be served inside.

The revitalization of this historic building near the end of Eat Street has been in the works since before the pandemic. Ng, a chef and artist, was feeling restless, and Goh was also ready for a new challenge beyond their 10-year-old Izayaka.
"We were at a point where we don't know what else to do," said Goh. Ng was more blunt: "I get bored."
Known both locally and nationwide for his incredible ramen specials, Ng was looking for ways to stretch and grow his creativity. Goh, who grew up in Singapore, understands food halls and markets in a fundamental way.
"There are all these makers and hawkers selling all kinds of cuisine like Malaya or Indian food," she said. They were ready for a new challenge when everything was placed on indefinite hold and the couples' already forming plans had to be rethought.
"The pandemic changed our perspective," said Goh. "We have to be hopeful."
Hope might not be the first word that springs to mind for people outside the Whittier neighborhood. Eat Street Crossing is just a few steps from one of the city's most reviled buildings: the former Kmart on Lake Street. Just blocks away fires destroyed buildings amid the reckoning after George Floyd's murder.