Benjamin Fowke
Former chairman and CEO
Xcel Energy Inc.
- Total compensation for the year ended Dec. 31: $22,329,408
- Salary: $1,350,000
- Non-equity incentive pay: $1,794,177
- Other compensation: $129,781
- Value realized on vesting shares: $19,055,450
- Median employee pay: $122,532
- CEO pay ratio: 95 to 1
- Total 2021 shareholder return: 4.4%
Note: Ben Fowke was named CEO of Xcel Energy on Aug. 24, 2011, and led the Minneapolis-based utility company for 10 years. He retired as president and CEO on Aug. 18 and as executive chairman at the end of the year.
Fowke's compensation for his last year of $22.3 million was up 2% from 2020. It was the fourth year his compensation exceeded $20 million.
Bob Frenzel was promoted from president and chief operating officer to succeed Fowke. He made $6.2 million last year, including $4.2 million worth of restricted stock that vested during the year. The board also granted him new stock awards that were valued at $6.3 million.
During Fowke's tenure as CEO, he set ambitious goals for Xcel Energy to become a leader in renewable energy production and to reduce its carbon emissions. He announced in December 2018 that Xcel Energy would deliver 100% carbon-free electricity to its customers by 2050.
Xcel Energy also saw its net income increase every year but one under Fowke, and the stock had a 300% total return. The S&P Utilities Index had a 196% return over the same period.