The Massachusetts-based Satanic Temple is suing the city of Belle Plaine, Minn., for revoking permission to erect a satanic monument, continuing almost two years of fights over free speech and religion-themed tributes in the city's Veterans Memorial Park.
"I knew this was going to be a problem," Council Member Paul Chard said Saturday. "The pot got stirred pretty quick."
Chard said he was referring not to the Satanic Temple's monument but to the city's initial acceptance in 2017 of another monument, a steel silhouette known as "Joe" that depicted a soldier kneeling before a cross. Soon, someone complained that "Joe" violated the constitutional separation of church and state.
City leaders, fearing a lawsuit, ordered its removal. That triggered weeks of protests in the city of about 7,000 southwest of Minneapolis. So the council designated an area in the park as a "limited public forum," open to temporary memorials to fallen veterans.
The Satanic Temple, based in Salem, Mass., applied to install its own monument — what would have been the first satanic monument on public property in the country. The city granted a permit, and the temple designed a 23-inch black cube inscribed with inverted pentagrams and topped with an upturned helmet, which it planned to install in July 2017.
That plan prompted more protests. So exasperated city officials decided to shut down the limited public forum, ordering the removal of "Joe" and withdrawing permission for the temple's monument.
"People certainly have the right to protest and that's fine, but the result of protest shouldn't be depriving others of their civil rights," Malcolm Jarry, the Satanic Temple's co-founder, said Saturday.
The temple's suit argues that the city violated the group's First Amendment rights and breached its contract by rescinding its approval. The temple also said it has already paid to have the marker built.