Scott County exhibit showcases children's toys and chores through history

The new his­tori­cal soci­ety ex­hib­it opens Thurs­day with a cel­e­bra­tion.

By Janice Bitters

For the Minnesota Star Tribune
May 26, 2015 at 2:16PM
Games and Chores, Scott County Historical Society
Items to be displayed at the upcomging Games and Chores exhibit at the Scott County Historical Society. (The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Kids grow­ing up in Scott County today would like­ly have a hard time with carry­ing buck­ets of wa­ter from a well each day, and they would prob­a­bly rath­er play with some dig­i­tal gadg­et than a home­made toy.

But those chores and sim­ple toys were once the re­ali­ty for most chil­dren in the area.

The Scott County His­tori­cal Society will high­light how child­hood has changed since the mid-1850s in its new ex­hib­it "Games and Chores: Grow­ing up in Scott County," which opens May 28 at the Stans Museum in Shakopee.

"One thing that I do re­al­ly love about this ex­hib­it is that it is crammed full of things," said Kath­leen Klehr, ex­ec­u­tive di­rec­tor at the Scott County His­tori­cal Society. "It's not a gi­ant space, it's a small­er space, but there's just so much to see and learn. It's a rich, rich ex­hib­it."

There have been ma­jor life­style chan­ges — less farm­ing — and man­u­fac­turing ad­van­ces that made toys more ac­ces­si­ble for families to buy over the past 160 years. But in many ways, liv­ing in the coun­ty is also still the same, Klehr said.

"People still like to play games," she said. "Just like kids still do chores today, like make your bed, clean your room. May­be it is not the same type of chores, but they still have to do work."

There are two parts to the ex­hib­it: work and play. Both fo­cus on how life would have been in the past, as seen through the eyes of kids grow­ing up in the coun­ty. Each will have inter­ac­tive com­po­nents for visi­tors to try chores and games that were com­mon in the past.

On the work side, visi­tors can learn about the tough­er parts of early Scott County life. For in­stance, the ex­hib­it will have an inter­ac­tive piece about carry­ing buck­ets of wa­ter for daily liv­ing — a task of­ten rel­egated to kids, said Theresa Nor­man, cu­ra­tor of ex­hib­its and col­lec­tions.

"Kids will be able to see how many trips carry­ing buck­ets of wa­ter were need­ed for bas­ic tasks," Nor­man said.

The ex­hib­it also in­cludes school in­for­ma­tion. It will fea­ture stor­ies and in­for­ma­tion about how many chil­dren at­tend­ed school vs. work­ing and how those stat­ist­ics have changed over the past 160 years.

"Going [to school] past eighth grade was not very com­mon at all — even com­plet­ing grade school was not very com­mon," Klehr said. "It was all about work and sup­port­ing the fam­i­ly then."

On the play side, the ex­hib­it in­cludes his­tori­cal pic­tures, oral his­tories and home­made toys from the era. People can play with toys, like a rep­li­ca of an 1850s-style log cab­in toy, and sup­plies to make pa­per dolls, a­mong oth­er ac­tiv­i­ties.

Open­ing cel­e­bra­tion

The ex­hib­it opens with a cel­e­bra­tion at the mu­se­um from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Thurs­day.

Keep­ing with the child­hood theme, root beer floats and oth­er treats will be served.

Dur­ing the e­vent, visi­tors can also try ac­tiv­i­ties that won't be avail­able for the full run of the ex­hib­it. Kids will be able to play games and do chores to win prizes and visi­tors can try churn­ing but­ter.

The par­ty is free with the cost of mu­se­um ad­mis­sion, but peo­ple can en­ter for free if they bring a new or gen­tly used toy to do­nate. Dona­tions will be giv­en to The Toy Corner, which pro­vides toys to chil­dren in need in Savage, Pri­or Lake and Shakopee.

"It's a nice way for us to give back to the com­muni­ty by part­ner­ing with some­one else to pro­mote what they do with some­thing that we do," Klehr said. "It's a great part­ner­ship be­cause this is about games and toys, and even today a lot of kids don't have toys."

Jan­ice Bitters is a Twin Cities-based free­lance writ­er.

Games and Chores, Scott County Historical Society
Items at the Games and Chores exhibit at the historical society, including a bucket that children would use to haul water to the family home more than a century ago. (The Minnesota Star Tribune)
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Janice Bitters