South news briefs: Derby Days runs Thursday to Sunday in Shakopee
Derby Days runs Thursday to Sunday
Taste of Shakopee, water wars, a bungee trampoline, a beer garden and a movie in the park at dusk are just some of the activities on Thursday, the first day of Derby Days, the city's annual community festival.
Most events are in Huber Park.
Friday's events include carnival games at Lions Park, an international festival and music by the band Smokescreen.
Saturday begins with yoga in the park at 7:30 a.m., a kiddie parade at 10 a.m., a petting zoo, music all day and fireworks at dusk.
The parade begins at 1 p.m. Sunday.
For a complete schedule, go to
Tribe gives $300K to medical center
The Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community recently donated $300,000 to St. Francis Medical Center in Shakopee, which used the money to buy a 3-D breast cancer imaging machine.
The machine, called a 3-D mammography tomosynthesis system, scans breasts from multiple angles and transforms the pictures into 3-D images. The hospital said patients benefit from reduced callbacks for additional imaging and earlier detection of cancer, particularly in young women with dense breasts.
Dr. Mary Hestness, medical director of diagnostic services at St. Francis, said the new technology "provides a clearer picture of the breast so radiologists can more accurately analyze the size, shape and location of any suspicious areas. The technology finds more invasive cancers earlier when they are easiest to treat."
Apple Valley
Flea market calls for crafty vendors
Vendors are needed for the Fall Flea Market sponsored by the Apple Valley American Legion Auxiliary on Sept. 19. Organizers are looking for a variety of crafts, wood products, furniture, antiques, keepsakes and jams.
For more information, call Marlene Heinzen at 651-423-2493.
Friday night music in Kelley Park
The New Sound Underground is this week's band in the Music in Kelley Park series.
The band will play from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday in the park at 6855 Fortino St. Food and beverages are available for purchase. The music series is co-hosted by the city and the Apple Valley Arts Foundation.
Lakefront Days coming next week
Prior Lake's 32nd annual Lakefront Days will be Aug. 6 to 8 at Lakefront Park.
The festival begins with a business expo and wine tasting Aug. 6 and family-oriented activities and adventures on Aug. 7 and 8, along with food, music, a carnival and shuttle services.
It culminates on Aug. 8 with a parade, fireworks and a beanbag tournament.
Clues for the Lakefront Days Medallion Hunt are already being published every Wednesday and Saturday. For the clues or more information on the festival, go to
Is your street going to get improvements?
A public hearing on Prior Lake's Capitol Improvement Plan (CIP) will be held at 7 p.m. Aug. 10 in the City Council Chambers, 4646 Dakota St. SE.
The city uses the CIP to plan construction or replacement of infrastructure and equipment. It includes specific plans for transportation, equipment replacement, parks, water and sewer, facility management and technology.
The transportation plan includes details about upcoming projects through 2020, including reconstruction of existing city streets, which could be subject to assessments.
To see if your street is scheduled for improvements, go to and click on the most recent city newsletter. More information is available by contacting Larry Poppler at (952)-447-9832 or
Dump pesticides at collection event
Farmers and small businesses can get rid of their unwanted pesticides and poisons in a free event from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 17.
Bring the items to the Scott County HHW Facility, 588 County Trail E. (Hwy. 282) in Spring Lake Township. Items that will be accepted include ag quantity weed killers and herbicides, insecticides, mouse and rat poisons, fungicides and all other pesticides.
The event is sponsored by Scott County Environmental Health and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.
Pat Pheifer