Star Tribune Opinion: The who, what, why and how

What we are and what we do.

May 28, 2022 at 11:00PM
(Star Tribune/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Star Tribune Opinion is committed to hosting a civil and informed debate on the issues that matter most to our readers. Here's a short guide on how we host that discussion:


Editorials represent the view of the Star Tribune Editorial Board. Board members are David Banks, Jill Burcum, Scott Gillespie, Denise Johnson, Patricia Lopez, John Rash and D.J. Tice. Star Tribune Opinion staff members Maggie Kelly and Elena Neuzil also contribute, and Star Tribune Publisher and CEO Michael J. Klingensmith serves as an adviser to the board.

Editorial Board members offer their ideas at regular staff meetings. Those ideas come in response to news coverage, from sources members have developed in their areas of expertise, or from one of the meetings the board holds with community leaders, politicians, government officials and citizens' groups.

Board members discuss whether topics are worthy, how the editorial might be argued and what reporting will be needed to develop an informed opinion. There's sometimes disagreement about the direction an editorial should take, and in those cases, the editorial page editor makes the call.

Editorials do not have a byline or credit line because the author writes on behalf of the board and may or may not agree in full with the opinion expressed.

The Editorial Board operates independently from the newsroom, meaning that news reporters and editors are not involved in determining the board's positions. For example, newsroom staff members learn about the board's political endorsements at the same time readers do — when they're published.

Readers Write

The Star Tribune publishes letters to the editor under the "Readers Write" banner each day. These are selected from among the several dozen (and sometimes hundreds) we receive, depending on what's in the news. Submissions are usually less than 300 words.

In picking which letters to publish, we have three main goals: to add insight to public discussions; to reflect the balance of what readers are saying, in the proportion they're saying it; and to offer compilations that are engaging to read. These goals are sometimes at odds, but we try to balance them.

You can always send letters by e-mail to, or you can click on the "Submit a letter or commentary" link at


Our commentary offerings include a mix of local and national writers. Our goal is to air diverse and engaging perspectives on the day's most important and interesting issues.

Here is where you will find syndicated national columnists from newspapers like the Chicago Tribune and New York Times. Star Tribune Opinion staff members John Rash and D.J. Tice write regular columns, and retired staff member Lori Sturdevant offers a monthly column. We also feature many local writers, including public officials, experts and newsmakers, and thoughtful readers with something to say.

We seek to host a richly varied forum of ideas about politics, public policy and culture with room for the occasional reflection on life's mysteries and delights. We welcome controversy but require decency and substance. Key to the give-and-take that informs and illuminates issues are pieces we call counterpoints — rebuttals to previous opinion or news content.

Especially welcome are new, first-time contributors who believe their particular type of voice and experience has been missing in the discourse surrounding important topics of the day. Their submissions may become part of our "New Voices" feature.

New or returning, you can submit your approximately 700-word commentary by e-mail to, or you can click on the "Submit a letter or commentary" link at

For more on what makes a good submission, go to


Star Tribune Opinion chooses works from a variety of nationally syndicated cartoonists online and in print each day.

Our longtime, Pulitzer Prize-winning staff cartoonist, Steve Sack, recently retired after 42 years on the job. We are discussing our best options for this space going forward. We welcome your thoughts at


Star Tribune Opinion produces a weekly podcast in collaboration with WCCO Radio called "Playing Politics." Co-hosts Chad Hartman from WCCO and John Rash from the Star Tribune are joined by members of the Editorial Board in timely, opinionated discussions of the political news of the week. You'll find current and archived podcasts at, and you can subscribe through iTunes and Google Play.


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