In an economy built on booms and busts, timing is everything, and for the generation that graduated around the worst recession since the Great Depression, their economic timing couldn’t have been much worse.
Minnesota millennials saw their average wages plummet in the years after the 2008 recession, according to new data the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis compiled, even as older workers saw earnings recover at a faster rate.
“The labor market you’re born into ends up affecting your entire lifetime income,” said Louis Johnston, professor of economics at the College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University.
Those who enter the workforce during an economic downturn “have lower long-term earnings, higher rates of disability, fewer marriages, less successful spouses and fewer children,” according to a recent report from the National Bureau of Economic Research. Now as these millennials approach middle age, that slow start means many still feel financially behind, no matter their current income.
“I think a lot of people are really quite well off, but they don’t feel that way because they don’t see a path toward the future,” said Alfred Marcus, professor at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management. “They feel stagnant.”
Alex Jones of Edina knows that sense of inertia despite recently changing jobs for better career-growth opportunities.
“Here I am at 34 years old starting over at an entry-level wage,” Jones said. “I can survive on that as a single person in the Twin Cities, but I can’t get ahead.”
Forward, not up
Economic mobility — doing better financially than the situation one is born into — is supposed to be a hallmark of the American experience. The Great Recession is just one reason many born in the 1980s are less likely to be outperforming their parents at this age than previous generations.