The hens aren’t coming home to roost, and something’s going to have to change.
Beginning in Minnesota.
The hens in this case are mallards, specifically adult hen mallards, and their absence on the breeding grounds, including in Minnesota, the Dakotas and prairie Canada, means trouble for duck hunters and duck hunting.
It’s trouble that can no longer be denied, especially in Minnesota, where breeding mallards were down 40% this spring from the long term average, and where in 2011, under the direction of then Department of Natural Resources Commissioner Tom Landwehr, duck hunting restrictions were loosened in an attempt to stem the loss of state waterfowlers.
Interest among Minnesotans in duck hunting has declined as duck numbers have fallen. In 1980, Minnesota licensed nearly 150,000 duck hunters, a tally that by 2010 had fallen to about 80,000.
Landwehr’s novel plan to have the state shoot its way to more ducks — and more duck hunters — has worked so well that as Minnesota’s early teal-hunting season opens Sunday, the state has some 20,000 fewer waterfowlers than it did in 2011.
That’s when the DNR opened the regular duck season in September rather than in October, allowed shooting to begin one-half hour before sunrise — a time when Superman, with his x-ray vision, can’t distinguish female mallards from males, which haven’t yet developed their iconic green heads and other plumage — and increased the daily hen mallard limit from one to two.
In attempting to make it easier for hunters to kill mallards and other fowl, Landwehr, like some other waterfowl managers nationwide, mistook duck hunters for fools.