I vowed never to be like my mom, and I really meant it.
She was mean. The true definition of the word: unpleasant, sometimes even unkind.
I wouldn't come to terms with why she'd made my life so hard until long after I had children of my own.
She had plenty of reasons to be mean.
She wanted to give me a chance at a better life, and she did it the only way she knew how.
She ruled with an iron fist.
She was an only child born in the 1930s. She grew up during the Great Depression in rural Oklahoma, literally dirt poor. She dropped out of school in the eighth grade, got married and started a family when she'd barely had a chance to grow up herself.
She married a "Buffalo Soldier;" the term for those who were members of all-Black units in the U.S. Army until President Harry Truman desegregated the Army in 1948. They had helped settle much of the American West.