When it comes to Thanksgiving leftovers, there are two types of people — those who love leftovers (sometimes more than the feast itself), and those who are completely over them by Friday night.
OK, maybe it’s not that cut and dried. I admit to being in the latter camp more than the former, mostly because I haven’t done much to transform the leftovers into something new.
While there are few things better than a post-Thanksgiving turkey sandwich, I really only love it once or twice. After that, I crave different flavors and am ready to order Chinese food. But I worked hard on the “feast,” and am loath to waste one single bite. So, this year I am making a delicious Thanksgiving dinner with leftover dishes in mind.
In my family, leftovers are pretty predictable. Sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce and turkey stock can almost always be found in my fridge on day two — and day three, and day four. You get the idea. Not this year, though, because I have a two-step plan.
Step one: Create new and improved versions of these dishes so tons of leftovers are less likely.
Step two: Create completely new dishes out of the leftovers. I don’t want to recognize them, and I want them to taste new to everyone else, too.
Oh, and the transformation has to solve a mealtime dilemma. For instance, I always have houseguests over the weekend. What will I feed them for breakfast the next day? What can I use for meal prep that will work well with other leftovers? What can I make that will freeze well for the busy holiday weeks ahead?
Yep. I have a plan, and here it is.