Can I forgive a Nazi?
It's not a hypothetical question, but one I am asked frequently. This week we will hear the verdict from a court in Germany as to whether a 93-year-old former Nazi guard from Stutthof Concentration Camp is guilty of accessory to mass murder. Bruno Dey stood on the watchtowers at Stutthof with rifle in hand over my family.
My grandmother Judy Meisel is a co-plaintiff and witness in the trial. Her mother, Mina Beker, was murdered at Stutthof in the gas chamber in 1944. My grandmother was 15 years old the day she was ripped from her mother's arms in the camp. She and her sister escaped and survived.
Dey has said he is sorry for what happened at Stutthof but denies any personal responsibility for any murders. This is the apology about which I'm asked again and again. Do I accept? Over the past four years I have supported my grandmother as she participated in what will likely be the last trial of a former Nazi. I have had a front-row seat to observe and take part in this late pursuit of justice for victims of the Holocaust. But I am not the one who can forgive.
Until about 10 years ago my grandmother could have stood in the courtroom herself and looked Dey in the eyes. She would have had a conversation about what happened, who can forgive, and what this means to her. But now, at 91, she could no longer travel, so I attended the trial on her behalf and in solidarity with all those who could not be there themselves. It's a symbolic act, however, because nobody can take the place of the survivors or the victims when it comes to justice or forgiveness.
Prosecutors argue that Dey aided in the mass murder at Stutthof. As a guard he prevented prisoners from escape and therefore aided in the systematic murders at the camp. If he is found guilty, the court can send a powerful signal that no guard in any concentration camp can claim they had no responsibility for what happened.
Prosecutors have asked for up to three years in prison for Dey, but any practical punishment at this point is meaningless to my grandmother.
Most perpetrators of the Holocaust were never brought to justice. Two years ago I was in a German courtroom for the first time. Johann Rehbogen was the first guard from Stutthof charged with accessory to mass murder. In the third week of his trial the 95-year-old collapsed in court and never returned.