Opinion editor’s note: Star Tribune Opinion publishes a mix of national and local commentaries online and in print each day. To contribute, click here.
Minnesota, we know you have lots of opinions.
On this crazy-warm winter we just had. On whether working from home is more productive than schlepping to an office every day. On whether life in Minnesota has been getting better or worse.
And yes, on schools, politics, crime, immigration, the environment and so much more.
For decades, debates over public policy, the culture wars, and all things Minnesota and beyond have taken place on the Opinion pages of the Star Tribune. It’s been a spirited and important conversation.
We want that conversation to continue, and to invite more people to be part of it.
We want to actively welcome more people to the table in order to more fully represent who we are as a state. We want to give our megaphone to more women, people of color, millennials and Gen Zers, immigrants, blue-collar and white-collar workers, and people from around the entire state. And we want to reflect a range of thoughtful viewpoints from conservatives, liberals and those who consider themselves independent.