Travel Troubleshooter: Travel insurance company holds up a payment of $12,780 for canceled cruise

John Schwager has been waiting months for his travel insurance payment. What's the holdup?

By Christopher Elliott/Travel Troubleshooter

September 8, 2023 at 12:50PM
Seabourn Cruise Line's Seabourn Quest
Seabourn Cruise Line’s Seabourn Quest. (Michel Verdure/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Q: Last year, my wife and I booked a cruise with Seabourn Cruises at a cost of $12,780. I also purchased a travel insurance policy through Travel Insured International.

In November, my cardiologist found blockages in three coronary arteries. After consultations with him and other doctors, I concluded that multiple stents were the best option. My doctor recommended that I should not travel until this was done.

Regrettably, we had to cancel our trip with Seabourn. I submitted a claim in December. Travel Insured International responded to my claim, asking for more information. I provided the documentation. From that point on until March, I received several messages that said, "Thank you for your patience."

Then I received a call from Travel Insured International asking for the names of all the physicians who saw me. She told me, "With this information, I expect that we can clear this up tomorrow." But months later, I still haven't received my check. Can you help me get my $12,780 back, please?

A: I'm sorry to hear about your health and hope you are on your way to recovery. Travel Insured International should have processed your claim within six weeks, not six months.

Why didn't it? We know that last December was incredibly busy for travel insurance companies. You had airline meltdowns and a record number of travelers — and travel insurance claims. But I've reviewed your claim, as well as the messages between you and Travel Insured International, and I'm not sure if that fully explains the delay.

Travel insurance companies are typically quick to process small claims of several hundred dollars or less. But a five-figure claim like yours would have gotten some extra scrutiny. And you can see that in the back-and-forth between you and the company. They wanted information, more information and then the names of your doctors.

That level of scrutiny comes with the territory. The travel insurance company is just making sure that your doctor really had advised you to cancel your cruise.

Most travel insurance policies cover cancellations for medical reasons. It appears you had a valid reason for canceling your cruise. But your travel insurance company needed to verify it, and it sure took its time doing so. When an insurance company drags its feet, you need to determine the status of your claim by periodically contacting the company.

I contacted Travel Insured International on your behalf. You contacted the Better Business Bureau, which also reached out to the company. Within a few days, Travel Insured International promised to pay you, and a week later, you had a check for $12,780.

Christopher Elliott is the founder of Elliott Advocacy. Get help by contacting him at or

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Christopher Elliott/Travel Troubleshooter