Situated in the heart of north Minneapolis' commercial district, the corner of W. Broadway and N. Lyndale Avenue is home to a grocery store, a Walgreens, and a gas station that locals have taken to calling the "murder station."
The Winner Gas station very nearly lived up to its dark nickname again when a 19-year-old was shot there last month. He was one of at least 21 people to have been struck by gunfire around the intersection since last June.
Now, as Minneapolis sets about reimagining public safety, this rough stretch of the North Side may provide a telling first test of a new strategy that prioritizes mental health care and drug treatment to address the cycles of trauma that can lead to violence.
Last month the City Council — spurred by the movement to defund police that grew after George Floyd's death — voted to divert nearly $8 million from the Minneapolis Police Department's budget to fund its vision of crime prevention by investing in teams of trained, unarmed professionals who could be sent to certain 911 calls, instead of officers.
Locals say something has to be done about the violence and drug trade at Broadway and Lyndale, which many feel would not be tolerated in more affluent parts of the city. That it's allowed to go on, some say, is part of a pattern of neglect and disinvestment that stretches back decades, made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic that has exacted a steep toll on Black and Latino communities.
Community outreach specialist Maleta "Queen" Kimmons said she doesn't support getting rid of police altogether — "I'm just anti-bad cops" — but says a new approach is needed to deal with the young people with no place to go who hang out there. For too long, she said, the area has been an afterthought to the decisionmakers at City Hall.
"They're going to get to Black folks when they get to Black folks — that's how it is on the North Side, that's how they see us," said Kimmons.
As the city's opioid epidemic has spread to the North Side, the intersection has turned into one of the city's largest open-air drug bazaars. Residents often must push their way past the dealers who crowd the parking lot outside Merwin Liquors and peddle their wares to passing motorists.