While Minneapolis and St. Paul have reinstated mask mandates and are considering requiring proof of vaccine to get into bars and restaurants, Twin Cities suburbs are so far steering clear of these policies.
The Edina City Council spent nearly two hours wrestling with whether to pass a mandatory mask mandate at a special meeting on Friday. City leaders heard from local health department officials, examined data and charts, and asked dozens of questions.
"It is really difficult to know what to do," said Edina Mayor James Hovland at one point.
They ultimately passed a resolution that requested and strongly encouraged residents to wear a face covering in public places but stopped short of a mandate.
"The people who deal with the public are tired of being yelled at. The stress is overwhelming," said Council Member Carolyn Jackson. "I wish there was another way to raise the alarm other than a mandate."
On Monday night, the city of Bloomington will consider a resolution asking for voluntary compliance including mask wearing in areas of substantial or high community transmission.
"It is not a mask mandate, but it is a very strongly worded encouragement to follow all the recommendations of the CDC and the Minnesota Department of Health," said Bloomington Mayor Tim Busse.
The resolution also implores residents and businesses to be "kind and patient with each other."