Wally Lamb's new novel, 450,000 copies of which have just arrived in bookstores, is big enough to threaten Thanksgiving and maybe even Christmas, as readers ignore turkey basting and tinsel tossing to turn the 723 wide-ranging, heavily plotted pages of "The Hour I First Believed."
Lamb writes big books. And popular ones. Oprah Winfrey famously pulled an all-nighter reading Lamb's first novel, "She's Come Undone," the painful, funny coming-of-age saga of Dolores Price. She later included its paperback version and Lamb's 900-page second novel, "I Know This Much Is True," in her Book Club, a bestowal that invariably sends the anointed novel on a rocket ride.
Both novels made it to the top of the New York Times bestseller list and were optioned as movies (never made).
Lamb's millions of fans have been on a starvation diet since 1998, when his second novel was published.
"It's not like I've been goofing off or anything," Lamb said with a laugh when asked about the long gestation of his new book, which he delivered to his publisher about four years past deadline. "The story takes as long as it takes. It comes to me very slowly."
I met Lamb, 58, in his hometown of Norwich, Conn., on a sunny fall day that was perfect for taking photos at the corn maze owned by his brother-in-law (an element of the book's plot). We talked in a meeting room at Norwich Free Academy, where Lamb attended high school and taught English for 25 years.
His beard is salt-and-pepper. He is small-town casual, wearing jeans and a sweater. In the four hours we spent together, Lamb displayed none of the impatience or high-horsed-ness one could expect of someone who has sold as many books and made as much money as he has. And though there's a hint of sadness in his eyes, he was unfailingly gracious.
In a hallway busy with students, a security guard greeted him as "Mr. Lamb" and assured him that since taking his English class she has continued to write and hopes to produce a book one day. Like any good teacher, he offered her praise and encouragement.