Gov. Tim Walz often argued during the pandemic that critics of his COVID-19 response had strong incentives to follow his advice about wearing masks and getting vaccinated so they could reduce their odds of getting sick or dying.
“If you think I’ve gotten this wrong,” he said in May 2021, “get the vaccine to make sure you’re around next November and then you can cast that vote.”
Minnesota re-elected Walz one year later, though by that point COVID-19 barely rated as an election issue; polls showed only 1% of voters considered the pandemic response a top concern.
The topic has made a political comeback, though, now that Walz is Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate in November’s presidential election. The governor invited the attention, stating in campaign speeches that Donald Trump “froze” as president in 2020 in response to the pandemic and contrasting the disjointed federal response to his state’s efforts.
So how well did Minnesota endure the pandemic, relative to other states? It depends on who does the analysis.
Politico in 2021 rated Minnesota as the fifth-most effective state, because it achieved relatively fewer COVID deaths with restrictions that only caused modest harm to its economic and education systems. The Council on Foreign Relations by comparison last year ranked Minnesota 33rd, because its low death rate was partly due to its healthier and younger population — and because the state’s usually impressive student test scores dropped after months of school closures and remote learning.
Minnesota undoubtedly took more aggressive measures than others to protect people, issuing a sweeping stay-at-home order in March 2020 to delay the spread of COVID-19 so that hospitals could increase their capacities, and then a four-week order that started in November that year to delay a second wave of illnesses until vaccine was available. The foreign relations research ranked Minnesota 18th in its use of mandates to protect Minnesotans, and found it particularly aggressive in limiting access to restaurants and fitness clubs.
Walz put himself in the center of it all.