Last week I wrote about an Illinois small business that revives Midwestern old brands on T-shirts et al.
Where to get Red Owl, Dayton's, Porky's, Moby Dick's T-shirts in TC
Where to get Red Owl, Dayton's, Porky's, Moby Dick's, T-shirts in TC

At co-owner Keith Watson sells four heritage brands from the Twin Cities, including T-shirts ($24) with Dayton's, Porkey's, Moby Dick's and Positvely 4th St. Records on the front.
After the article ran, I learned that a gift shop in Minneapolis' Bryn Mawr neighborhood, Cockadoodledoo, will be selling them from a shipment expected to arrive Monday or Tuesday. It has no website but it's on Facebook, or call 612-377-8000. Address: 403 Cedar Lake Rd S., Mpls. The owner let me know that more than 40 of the tees are already prepaid, so the first shipment he's getting from Bygone may already be sold out.

Cockadoodledoo and Bygone don't yet sell another sought-after Bygone Brand--Red Owl. Electric Fetus near downtown Mpls used to sell a Red Owl graphic tee, which had a slightly altered image to avoid copyright issues.Then Supervalu renewed its copyright and the Fetus quit selling them about a year ago.
You can find a new legit licensed version at Zazzle also sells hoodie sweatshirts, tote bags, and hats with the Red Owl logo. Get 25% off Red Owl products during March Madness with the code MARCHMADNEZZ.
Jason Towley of Farmington, who licensed the brand after speaking to Supervalu about it a few years ago, said, "When I wear my shirt, so many people approach me to not only ask where I got it, but also share stories about where their hometown Red Owl was."
Benefits in the new contract include higher wages and enhanced retirement contributions.