Racial disparities of many kinds rightly inspire concern these days. One of the most distressing gaps — if not one of the most frequently discussed — was described in a May 20 presentation before the Minneapolis City Council's Public Safety Committee.
Coming a few days before a particularly violent weekend, and in the wake of the shootings of three young Minneapolis children, the Police Department report detailed the city's 2021 crime surge up to that point.
There had been 187 shootings in Minneapolis since Jan. 1 — two-and-a-half times the pace of gunplay in the same period a year earlier.
And 87% of the victims were Black.
No details on the shooters were presented. But federal Department of Justice data released last September indicated that, nationwide, about 70% of Black victims of violent crime are victimized by Black assailants.
With Black residents making up about 20% of the Minneapolis population, it's startling that while the new crime wave is a disaster for the entire community, its heaviest burdens are falling so disproportionately among African Americans.
It would seem that nothing could be more critical amid today's almost universal pledges to strive toward a more racially just America than to think carefully and seriously about the current freewheeling debate over policing, crime and how to slow the bloodshed.
One theory being forcefully offered holds that what's needed is less policing, at least in the traditional sense; the better to focus on the root causes of violence and avoid the harms of heavy-handed law enforcement. Another view argues that more police presence is urgently required, albeit from better trained and disciplined officers.