WASHINGTON -- Sen. Amy Klobuchar's name appeared amid a list of 39 other Democratic leaders for consideration for vice president, according to leaked e-mails posted on Wikileaks.
Wikileaks: Sen. Klobuchar on list of veep considerations
Wikileaks: Sen. Klobuchar on list of veep considerations
In a March 12 e-mail tapped out by John Podesta, chairman of the Hillary Clinton campaign, Klobuchar was amid a so-called "food group" of female senators under consideration. Other names on the list included Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachussetts and Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri.
Also on the list was Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders, who lost out to Clinton in the primaries, and Tom Perez, President Obama's current labor secretary, Bill Gates, Microsoft chairman and Tim Cook, Apple CEO, were also on the list.
"It is always an honor to be considered by the group, but I'm very pleased with the choice of Tim Kaine as the vice president," Klobuchar said, in a quick phone interview Thursday. She noted someone congratulated her earlier this week because her name was in the hacked e-mail.
"I thought, where have we come in our politics?" she said.
Klobuchar, Minnesota's senior senator, has been in the U.S. Senate since 2007.