Heather Whelpley looked around the roomful of female Twin Cities executives and asked them to imagine their inner critic, then come up with a snappy phrase to thwart it.
"I love to have a little saying, a little quip that you can come back to when that inner critic rears its ugly head," she said. "I'd love to hear from a couple of people. What are you going to say to your inner critic?"
Kim Hansen, president of the Bloomington Chamber of Commerce, piped up with: "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. You can go now!"
"I love that," Whelpley said.
For years, Whelpley has worked to boost women's careers, first as a human resources executive, then as a coach. Now, she has a new focus: helping women deal with impostor syndrome.
After she left Ameriprise Financial in 2017 to start her own coaching business for women, Whelpley quickly noticed a pattern. "I was seeing these amazing women hold themselves back," she said.
Her clients knew what they wanted, had the qualifications and the skills, but they were hampered by self-doubt and tended to attribute the success they had achieved to luck or a fluke.
"No one ever came to me and said, 'I have impostor syndrome, and I need coaching on it,' " said Whelpley, but she was able to identify it.