A few dozen women gathered in a brick North Loop building — its entrance marked by pink balloons — for mimosas and a sneak peek.
There was no furniture yet. The floors were still covered in paper. But on a tour, the women were promised couches, tables and benches with a "hotel lobby or art gallery vibe." A beauty bar packed with products for "all skin and hair types." Space to work, to meet, to be in "boss mode."
All without men around.
"If members need to bring men into the space," said Liz Giel, gesturing to the unfinished conference room behind her, sliding doors will offer privacy, "so that our members will never have to see a dude."
She winked. The women laughed.
Giel is one of four women who founded the Coven (thecovenmpls.com), which is, by its most basic definition, a co-working space for women and those who identify as nonbinary. But the founders envision much more than a collection of desks, more than a lack of men. They say they're building a community that in the work world is tough to find — one where women gather to lift one another up.
"The trickiest part is trying to describe something that most women have never experienced," said co-founder Bethany Iverson.
But something about their upstart resonates: More than 100 women have signed up for the Coven's founding memberships, which cost $1,800 a year. Similar workspaces — with such names as SheWork and the Riveter — are popping up across the country, especially on the coasts.