About 23,000 Minnesota households could be in line for a substantial cut to their Xcel Energy electric bills.
The company this week proposed a two-year test of automatic bill credits for Minnesota customers in certain low-income areas that would average to more than $450 a year. Xcel said it wants this program to be as simple as possible, so there are no income limits for these bill credits, and people do not have to enroll: Xcel plans to automatically give the credits to everyone in certain census areas.
An Xcel advisory group focused on equity helped to develop the plan as a way to reduce the impact of energy bills on customers who are low-income and/or Black, Indigenous or people of color. An Xcel filing with the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) said the program would “deliver much-needed support to economically struggling households in some of the poorest areas of [Xcel’s] service territory.”
“We are particularly proud of this work, as we developed it with our community,” said Bria Shea, Xcel’s regional vice president of regulatory policy.
Members of that equity advisory group, convened at the direction of the PUC, said state and federal energy subsidies that already exist are important but only reach a small portion of people who are eligible. That’s partly because the government programs can be burdensome to enroll in or people can feel shame having to sign up for financial help.
“We’re requiring people to give quite a lot of information in order to get assistance, and what we understand from [the equity advisory group] is that, for at least some potential recipients, that’s enough to make them not want to apply,” said Nick Martin, director of strategic outreach and advocacy for Xcel in Minnesota.
Xcel is targeting people based on the concept of “energy burden,” which is the share of household income spent on heating and electricity. Specifically, the pilot aims to help people with an electric energy burden higher than 4% of their yearly income.
The company relied on U.S. census data to identify 77 eligible areas across its service territory. Because Xcel isn’t collecting income information, it would use median income metrics to calculate the bill credits. The size of those credits will differ by census block.