9 free things to do in the Twin Cities this week
This well-rounded week is filled with a book launch, moving screening, bird watching and art appreciation.
Put on your Halloween costume for a screening of the 1993 film starring Bette Midler. Pre-show activities include a costume contest and Sweet Dairy food truck. (6 p.m. Fri., Como Midway Pavilion, 1199 Midway Pkwy., St. Paul, stpaul.gov)
2. Minneapolis Institute of Art
The museum offers themed public tours for art lovers each week. This month’s topic is “Art and Activism,” where visitors learn how artists use imagery to bring about social change. (1 & 6 p.m. Thu., 1 p.m. Fri.-Sun., 2400 3rd Av. S., Mpls., artsmia.org)
3. Art Resources Gallery
Spend an evening with Minnesota painters Jeff Boutin and Riverman as they present a variety of their work in a meet-and-greet setting. (4-7 p.m. Thu., 7101 France Av., Edina, artresourcesgallery.com)
4. Shout Out Loud
This suicide prevention and awareness event teaches coping skills through everyday activities to help children with mental wellness. Activities include games, music, prizes and food trucks. (11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat., Recreation Outdoor Center, 3700 Monterey Drive, St. Louis Park, shoutoutloudmn.com)
5. Marydale Festival
This community event brings St. Paul’s north end together and highlights local artists. There also will be kids activities, local bands and food trucks. (Noon-5 p.m. Sat., Marydale Park, 542 Maryland Av. W., St. Paul, marydalefestival.org)
6. Orchard Bash
The Minneapolis Cider Co. opens its doors for a fall celebration. Enjoy music, games, food and all things cider. (2-6 p.m. Sat., 701 SE. 9th St., Mpls., minneapoliscider.com)
7. Migratory Bird Count and Hawk Watch
Carpenter Nature Center and the Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union host this event that invites bird lovers to count migrating gulls, raptors, songbirds and more. (8 a.m.-2 p.m. Sun., Carpenter Nature Center, 12805 St. Croix Trail S., Hastings, carpenternaturecenter.org)
8. Czech & Slovak Festival
Czech culture is highlighted through ethnic food, games, folk dancing, music and Czech wine and beer. (11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun., C.S.P.S. Hall, 383 W. Michigan St., St. Paul, sokolmn.org)
9. Marlene M. Johnson
A book launch for Minnesota’s first female lieutenant governor. Johnson will be in conversation with Lori Sturdevant about her memoir, “Rise to the Challenge,” which details her personal and political life. A book-signing follows. (7 p.m. Mon., free, advance registration required, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, 301 19th Av., Mpls., eventbrite.com)
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Have a free event? Email events@startribune.com three weeks in advance of publication for consideration.
She heads to Target Center in Minneapolis on Friday for her first headline arena tour.