Happy fall: 41 Twin Cities-area apple orchards that are ripe for picking

From daylong adventures with entertainment to quiet moments in nature, there’s an orchard that suits your fall needs.

The Minnesota Star Tribune
September 12, 2024 at 12:15PM
It’s peak apple picking time at local orchards, including Ferguson’s Minnesota Harvest in Jordan, where as many 10,000 visit on a nice fall weekend. (Jeff Wheeler/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

The weather is fickle this time of year — shorts and flip-flops one weekend, cozy sweaters the next. While never one to wish away summer, there are many reasons to embrace fall: leaf peeping, football, heavy blankets, comfort food and pumpkin-flavored everything. And on these brisk nights, as we’re warming our hands around mugs of Minnesota-made cider, we enjoy one of autumn’s biggest perks — apple season.

That means local apple orchards are opening their gates. Looking for hayrides, corn mazes, live music and other family-friendly activities? We have those. Want apple-focused bakeries — a feast of doughnuts, fritters, turnovers, pies and crisps? There are those, too. Multitasking with pumpkin picking? Check.

Some concentrate on general stores stocked with pre-picked apples, freshly pressed cider, caramel apples and other apple-related treats. Others accommodate the purists, who stick strictly to the highly underrated fresh-air activity of apple picking. (A reminder that if Minnesota apples is your sole endgame, the Apple House at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum is a local treasure, too.)

Whatever adventure you choose, don’t delay. The season will be over before you know it. Head to these mostly U-pick orchards, all within (roughly) a 90-minute drive from downtown Minneapolis. Some have already started welcoming apple enthusiasts, while others are opening soon. Be sure to do your research before visiting to confirm hours, services, availability and payment options; the most up-to-date information is usually found on orchards’ social media.

Becker, Minn.

Lee Peterson Tree Farm, 59th Street and149th Avenue SE., 612-423-3441, leepetersontreefarm.com

Buffalo, Minn.

Deer Lake Orchard, 1903 SW. 10th St., 763-682-4284, deerlakeorchard.com

Woods’ Edge Apples, 1901 NE. 50th St., Buffalo, 763-682-4409


Apple Jack Orchards, 4875 SE. 37th St., 763-972-6673, applejackorchards.com

Elko New Market

Thompsons’ Hillcrest Orchard, 6271 E. 250th St., 952-461-2055, thompsonsapples.com

Faribault, Minn.

Apple Creek Orchard, 5524 185th St. W., 507-333-7272, applecreekorchard.org

Trumps Orchard, 1020 St. Paul Av., 507-334-5167, trumpsorchard.com


Brand Farms, 18605 Biscayne Av. W., 651-206-9457, brandfarmsmn.com


Afton Apple, 14421 S. 90th St., 651-436-8385, aftonapple.com

Whistling Well Farm, 8973 St. Croix Trail S., 651-998-0301, whistlingwellfarm.com


Applecrest Orchards, 7306 24th Av. N., 651-583-5209, applecrestorchards.com


Ferguson’s Minnesota Harvest, 8251 Old Hwy. 169 Blvd., 952-492-2785, fergusonsorchard.com

Lake City, Minn.

Pepin Heights, 1775 Hwy. 61 S., 651-345-2305, fergusonsorchard.com


Applewood Orchard, 22702 Hamburg Av., applewoodorchard.net

Maple Lake, Minn.

Orchards of Breezy Hill, 3944 Iresfield Av. NW., organicbreezyhill.com


Minnetonka Orchards, 6480 County Road 26, 763-325-4024, minnetonkaorchardmn.com

Montgomery, Minn.

Montgomery Orchard, 15953 Hwy. 99, 952-221-1051, montgomeryorchard.com

Montrose, Minn.

Fall Harvest Orchard, 345 County Road 30 SE., 763-972-3894, fallharvestorchard.com


Fireside Orchard and Gardens, 2225 Lonsdale Blvd. E., 507-663-1376, firesideorchard.com

Silkey Gardens, 5561 SE. 115th St., 651-357-5092, silkeygardens.com

Oronoco, Minn.

Northwoods Orchard, 8018 75th Av. NW., northwoodsorchard.com

Princeton, Minn.

J.Q. Fruit Farm & Orchard, 8082 33rd St., 763-389-2567, jqfruitfarm.com

Red Wing

Frontenac Hills Orchard, 30202 Frontenac Hills Way, 651-212-1768


Apples R Us Orchard, 3856 NE. 65th St., 507-269-2140, applesrus.com

Sekapp Orchard, 3415 Collegeview Road E., 507-282-4544, sekapporchard.com


Knapton’s, 5695 Hwy. 55, 763-479-1184, knaptons.org

Rush City, Minn.

Moulton’s Orchard, 51513 Game Av., 320-248-0042, moultonsorchard.com

Shafer, Minn.

Pleasant Valley Orchard, 17325 Pleasant Valley Road, 651-257-9159, pleasantvalleyorchard.com


Peter’s Pumpkins & Carmen’s Corn, 12860 Old Brick Yard Road, 952-906-0247, peterspumpkins.com

South Haven, Minn.

Fairhaven Farm, 13835 51st Av., 320-236-7685, fairhaven-farm.com

Stanchfield, Minn.

Dew Fresh Produce, 404 375th Av. NE., 763-689-2282, bit.ly/3TvVkBO

Jake’s Apple Shack, 601 375th Av. NE., 763-689-2282, jakesappleshack.com


Aamodt’s Apple Farm, 6428 Manning Av., 651-439-3127, aamodtsapplefarm.com

Sunnybrook Apple Orchard, 9085 Jeffrey Blvd. N., 651-432-4866, sunnybrookappleorchard.com


Deardorff Orchards, 8282 Parley Lake Road, deardorfforchards.com


LuceLine Orchard, 2755 Rose Av., 612-817-6229, lucelineorchard.com

Webster, Minn.

Havlicek’s Veseli Vrsek Orchard, 26526 Newport Av., 952-758-4386, havlicekorchard.com

Nelson’s Apple Farm, 3010 Douglas Av., 952-461-3355, nelsonsapplefarm.com

Sweetland Orchard, 26205 Fairlawn Av., 651-252-4337, sweetlandorchard.com, pre-bagged only

White Bear Lake

Pine Tree Orchard, 450 Apple Orchard Road, 651-439-7202, pinetreeappleorchard.com

Wyoming, Minn.

Sunrise River Farm, 7602 Wyoming Trail, 651-462-8220, sunriseriverfarm.com

about the writer

about the writer

Nicole Hvidsten

Taste Editor

Nicole Ploumen Hvidsten is the Minnesota Star Tribune's senior Taste editor. In past journalistic lives she was a reporter, copy editor and designer — sometimes all at once — and has yet to find a cookbook she doesn't like.

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