The dominant source of COVID-19 in Minnesota right now might have a mythic nickname, but it has driven down severe illness levels rather than scare up another pandemic wave.
The kraken variant, or XBB.1.5, raised fears when it let loose in January because it was a hybrid of prior coronavirus variants with the potential to evade immunity from vaccines and prior infections. But its dominance has coincided with a decline in COVID-19 hospitalizations in Minnesota from 579 at the start of 2023 to 52 on Tuesday.
The rate of COVID-19 deaths in that timeframe has declined from eight per day in Minnesota to fewer than three per day, according to Thursday's weekly state pandemic update.
"It's still circulating out there," said Michael Osterholm, director of the University of Minnesota's Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy. "It's just acting more as a virus that is willing to live with us rather than try to kill us."
XBB variants in general have made up more than 90% of the viral material found in sewage samples for nearly five months, according to Friday's update from the Metropolitan Wastewater Treatment Plant in St. Paul. That is the same length of time as delta variant dominance in fall 2021, which was among the most lethal in the pandemic.
The total amount of virus found in the latest sewage samples is very low and hasn't been seen since July 2021, according to a statement from the Metropolitan Council. Results of statewide sampling by more than 35 plants show similar declines.
Add XBB's extended run at the end of the pandemic to the list of mysteries about how coronavirus spread in the past three years. Epidemiologists still are puzzled about why an alpha variant seized on Minnesota and Michigan in spring 2021 when those states had above-average distribution rates of the first COVID-19 vaccine.
The natural evolution of a virus would predict that a variant like XBB would come along that would infect people at a steady rate but cause fewer illnesses, said Sara Vetter, director of the Minnesota Department of Health's infectious disease lab.